Injured Due to a Hernia Mesh Complication? Speak Up.

Hernia repair is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States, occurring about 700,000 times each year. Unfortunately, however, thousands of people are suffering terribly due to complications involving the type of mesh that is often used during surgery. If you’re one of these people, the time is now to stand up and make sure those responsible for your suffering are held accountable.
Severe Problems
The use of mesh in hernia repair surgery goes back to the 1960s. Before then, doctors would simply use stitches in order to strengthen the area where the hernia occurred. The problem with this approach was that it was only temporary. Mesh, on the other hand, provides a more permanent solution.
In many cases, however, mesh can lead to severe complications. Surgical mesh is often made out of a plastic known as polypropylene. While this plastic is durable, it can be harmful if it comes in direct contact with the human body. Mesh manufacturers coat the polypropylene with material designed to protect patients.
Thousands of people have suffered injuries due to improperly manufactured surgical mesh products. The protective coating wore off, exposing them to the damaging effects of polypropylene. Research shows that the material can cause severe inflammatory reactions when it comes into contact with surrounding tissues.
Adverse reactions to polypropylene are among the many complications associated with surgical hernia mesh products. Patients have experienced organ ruptures and punctures, abdominal infections, bowel perforation and many other problems.
Please don’t continue to suffer in silence if you have been injured due to a defective surgical hernia mesh. Thousands of people across the country have filed lawsuits against mesh manufacturers. You may be able to do the same. Talk to an attorney with Baron & Budd today to learn more about your legal options. Call 866-723-1890 or complete our contact form.